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We know Twilight Sparkle as the silly little mare who didn't have any friends until she was sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia. However, the rest of Equestria knows Twilight Sparkle as poor number 107497, a number even foals are taught to be wary of. The filly was perfectly fine, until one last taunt pushed her over the edge, into her own imagination, where she made friends; each friend a part of her mind.

Five years later, as Princess Celestia sits with her comatose student, aforementioned student moves. Both in the physical world, and slowly from her dream world as well.

Rated Teen because... well... I'm not sure, it just needs a Teen tag.

Chapters (4)

Pinkamina battles Death incarnate, trying to prevent the deaths of others using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense. Meanwhile the Royal Sisters frown upon her messing with the fabrics of fate, and her stallion Lickity Split has been eyeing the wedding bells lately. Who is under Death's hood?

Chapters (13)

Every night when Pinkie Pie goes to bed, Pinkamina rises. Using the cryptic powers of the Pinkie Sense, she deciphers the clues and goes out to prevent the deaths of others. Meanwhile, the Stallion Lickity Split is developing feelings for Pinkie's darker half, and the Royal Sisters do NOT like Pinkamina messing with fate.

Chapters (10)

When Fluttershy received her certification as a fog specialist, she only wanted a plausible excuse to write off the expenses associated with her ground-based house on her taxes. However, when an accident in Cloudsdale sends a blanket of industrial-grade clouds rolling towards Ponyville, Fluttershy suddenly finds herself in charge of coordinating the response, mostly because she's the only fog specialist in the area. Can our heroine step up to the challenge at hoof, or will she risk facing the wrath of the Equestrian Revenue Service?

Artwork by Page Turner. Now with a TVTropes page!

Chapters (52)

When Pinkie Pie starts to become a tad overweight, and all her friends notice it, she is forced to do one thing she has never done in her whole life.... She has to go on a diet. It's just a small sweets diet. She can go a couple weeks without her regular amount of sugar.... Right? Actually, no. She can't. But she can try.

Chapters (6)

Just about everypony in Ponyville knows Scootaloo. She's your normal, carefree pegasus foal who crusades for her cutie mark, zips around town on her scooter, and looks up to her idol Rainbow Dash. But what if that's not all there is to her? Scootaloo worries that her friends will find out that she's not the foal they know and love, or that she's not even a foal at all. But, when her secret does come out, their reactions might surprise her.

Chapters (4)

Luna returns to the moon to recover a tool she made to de-throne Celestia hundreds of years ago, but it's her sister that provides her with a better solution than simply destroying it.

Chapters (6)

Important Notice: Blood is Thicker takes place before Sunset. Meanwhile, Reluctant Reunions takes place AFTER Sunset.

Why are these together? I honestly do not remember, but I suspect it's too late to fix that now. Sorry. ^^;;

Blood is Thicker:

Twilight Sparkle receives a letter out of the blue from her mother. She has left her the ages-old task of keeping their family tree updated, and hints to it being incomplete. Will she be able to discover this missing relative, or will she fail as her mother did?

"Reluctant Reunions":

Trixie assures you, no matter WHAT that infernal Twilight Sparkle says, she is NOT the Great and Powerful Trixie's sister, and that mare with her is NOT Trixie's mother!

... And most certainly of all, Trixie is not starving to death or down on her luck! She is the chosen protege of the greatest magician the world has ever know! There is no WAY that Trixie could ever be like that. None!

These works take place in the 'Sunset' universe

Cover image made by smittyG.

Chapters (6)

Holding in emotions is never good. Keep them buried for too long, and eventually they burst out at the wrong time. Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash have a secret they have been hiding from their friends, specifically from a certain shy, animal-loving pegasus mare. They've finally decided to come clean, but neither of them counted on the other revealing the truth, much less at the same time.

Now Fluttershy is stuck with an impossible choice between her two best friends. Can she choose one without risking her friendship with the other?

"Sex" tag due to innuendo and suggestive material. No actual sex happens in this story.

Author's Note: Many, many thanks to Steel Resolve and Karrakaz for pre-reading and letting me know when I screw up. Now with new cover art, courtesy of johnhilist over at deviantart.

Chapters (33)

It's nearing the summer sun celebration, one year after Twilight arrived, and things are not going according to plan.
Preperation is behind schedule, supplies are still needed,
And to top it off, Twilight has accidently turned her friend's pets into ponies!
Without an easy antidote and time growing short, the mane six decide to let the pets help them in the celebration.
And they'll need all the help they can get.

Chapters (20)